Tag: neem

The Buzz-are Facts About Citronella and Natural Bug Repellents

The Buzz-are Facts About Citronella and Natural Bug Repellents Skeeter Away Bug Collection

When I think of summertime, I think of hiking, mountains, BBQs, picnics, gardening, and just generally being outside as much as possible. All of this outside time, however, comes with one pesky little downfall: bugs. Usually, I’m able to fly under their radar, but this summer I seem to be a treat for those buzzing beasts. Whether it’s my blood type, the composition of my skin, or as my husband likes to say, the fact […]

Fight Winter With Winter

Fight Winter With Winter

Dry skin is something us Alaskans know about all too well. The winter months gift us with beautiful snow-blanketed mountains, frosted trees that glisten in the sun, and 0% humidity (at least it feels that way). No matter how much water you drink or pounds of lotion you layer on your skin to the point of walking around like a zombie waiting for them to dry, those pesky splits around your fingernails and bleeding cracking knuckles […]

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